PTSD Deborah Park PTSD Deborah Park

PTSD from car accident, heal your fears

The emotional aftermath of a car accident is not always immediate. Processing the event can take time, as everyone’s emotional journey is unique and unfolds at its own pace. Some may find...

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PTSD Deborah Park PTSD Deborah Park

Can bullying cause ptsd?

Many people think of PTSD from bullying as an issue rooted in childhood experiences. While this is often true, it’s also possible to experience bullying and develop PTSD for the first time as an adult…

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PTSD Deborah Park PTSD Deborah Park

Can PTSD cause sleep apnea and natural ways to heal it

There are two types of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). The first is a mechanical obstruction and the latter is neuromuscular dysfunction. The type of sleep apnea that is associated with PTSD is OSA, where the mechanical obstruction to the airway causes sleep loss. The muscles affected are…

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PTSD Deborah Park PTSD Deborah Park

Can trauma cause memory loss?

Yes, PTSD can cause memory loss. Memory issues are one of the many symptoms of PTSD, which can lead to dissociative amnesia - forgetting details of the traumatic event. Additionally

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PTSD Deborah Park PTSD Deborah Park

Are you isolating yourself due to depression or personal growth?

Isolating yourself for personal growth may seem from the outside that you’re depressed — less socializing, more sleep — however, the intention is different. This is a personal choice to have peace and quiet... It’s because you’re tired of living the same way and you’re doing internal investigation to make lasting change...

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Health, Food Deborah Park Health, Food Deborah Park

5 strategies to stop emotionally eating

The number one reason for emotional eating is to SEEK COMFORT. This is often in response to stress, sadness, boredom or other emotions. The comfort is sought from calories — after all, calories are our life source that gives us energy...

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