Stop negative self-talk to reach your goals

Stop beating yourself down

Often, we are our biggest bully. When we make mistakes, we might call ourselves “stupid” or undisciplined, spiraling into negative self-talk, that eventually we convince ourselves that we should just give up. This attitude shows up often when trying to lose weight. Let’s say you’ve been on a diet for two weeks and everythings been going great, maybe even three weeks still smooth sailing, but then without even thinking you eat three slices of pizza with ranch and all the garlic sauce, maybe some wings and wash it down with soda. The aftermath leaves you feeling guilty. That one moment of gluttony, that one moment of being human, do you let go of your goals because of it?

The answer should be no, but for some people it becomes an endless cycle of “dieting” and giving up and going back to a gluttonous life. When you let that one moment be the reason you give up after three weeks of staying on track, you take the easy way out. The negative self-talk almost becomes a shield to make excuses for yourself to quit. 

Reframe your mind: don’t be a quitter

So you made a mistake and you feel guilty because of your binge. Ok, you're human. Ask yourself why this happened? Were you stressed, was it offered in a social gathering.. What was the motivator for you to start binging? And how can you improve from this? 

If you ask yourself how can I learn from this moment where I feel guilty, instead of beating yourself down, you make room to grow and continue towards your goal.

Now find balance

It’s ok to have cravings, that’s very normal. But remind yourself to exercise self-control. Let’s say you have a sweet tooth and love chocolate. Ok, have a taste. Allow yourself to enjoy the things you enjoy, just in moderation. If this is too hard for you in the moment, then prepare by portioning out sizes in a small ziplock bag. You can do this with whatever snack you like. Now when it comes to meals that you crave, let’s say you're eating out, then find at least one option where you can cut back. Let’s say you usually order soda or juice, then try to order water instead. Another options is to slow down your eating pace, which will make you feel more full while eating less. It might be helpful to speak more, if you are eating socially. If not, then just take your time chewing and eating. 


Stop the cycle of negative self-talk and give yourself grace. Mistakes don’t define your journey, they’re simply part of it. Learn from each moment and adjust as needed. With a balanced approach and a shift in mindset, you’ll stay focused on your goals and find greater success in the long term. Remember, growth comes from persistence, not perfection.


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