Can ptsd cause seizures? Understanding the connection
Non epileptic seizures are seizures from psychological or emotional distress. Therefore, the origin of this disorder is not physical like epilepsy. This is important to differentiate because the treatment course will be different. Often…
Are you isolating yourself due to depression or personal growth?
Isolating yourself for personal growth may seem from the outside that you’re depressed — less socializing, more sleep — however, the intention is different. This is a personal choice to have peace and quiet... It’s because you’re tired of living the same way and you’re doing internal investigation to make lasting change...
How to train low-intensity cardiovascular system for ptsd relief
Most people associate workouts with high-intensity exercises, giving all your effort, or as a way to blow off some steam. However, when you’re already on edge, a high-intensity workout may do more harm than good. In these cases
Guide to the top 3 breathing exercises for PTSD relief
You can do deep breathing exercises anywhere and anytime to get your nerves in check. All it takes is 1 minute of your day. To help you find the one that fits your needs best, here are the top 3 best deep breathing exercises…
How to perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation for PTSD relief
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a powerful technique that helps calm your nervous system and reduce stress. It can be a stand alone exercise or part of a meditation session. It is...
Effective strategies to calm your nerves
Deep breathing exercises offer a quick and effective way to calm your body and mind, especially when you don’t have the time or space for more intensive relaxation techniques like...
Stop sabotaging your progress: build gains with self-compassion
We often are the hardest on ourselves. Being self-aware and accountable for the things we do wrong is necessary for our growth. However, when we beat ourselves up when we’re already down, it keeps us down. At times it can be a defense mechanism to avoid the hard things and...
How exercise helps manage your emotions: regulate stress and build emotional control
Health and wellness doesn’t just refer to your physical and mental wellbeing, your emotional health is just as important but often is the last area of concern. If you weren’t raised to be in tune with your emotions then understanding them can feel foreign as an adult. But once…
How to find peace in loneliness: 3 questions for self-reflection
This is for all the people that don’t talk about the things that they bottle up inside themselves - and don’t know how to or don’t want to. That way of being however, makes the feeling only bigger. So what are you avoiding…