How to choose the right spiritual leader for your healing journey
In our previous post, we discussed therapy as an option for healing. However, many people may feel uncomfortable with therapy but still need guidance. If you’re a spiritual person, you might turn to a higher power for healing and peace beyond understanding. Yet, finding a genuine spiritual leader can be tricky, as this is also an area where people can be easily exploited.
I pray for everyone who reads this, whatever year or time it may be, to have a discerning mind in seeking a genuine spiritual leader to help them through their healing. In Jesus name, Amen.
The role of discernment in choosing a spiritual leader
It’s important to remember that even spiritual leaders are still people with their own flaws. They may have wise words, but it’s also your job to know yourself deeply, in order to know what is truly aligned with you. To pray for a discerning mind, is also protection from people with bad intentions — to use and abuse, to preach false words — and for you to recognize when that’s taking place. Everything that’s said in “God’s name” isn’t always of God, and to avoid unnecessary pain in your life it is important to be aware of all aspects of spirituality, the good and the deceivers.
Although I practice Christianity, this post is for anyone, regardless of faith, who is seeking a spiritual leader to guide them toward healing. Whether you practice, Islam, Hinduism or another faith, it’s important to find a leader that is genuine, knowledgeable, and has the power to guide you in your beliefs and healing.
Key qualities to discern in a spiritual leader
Their foundation
Start with shared faith. Whether it’s Christianity, Islam or another belief system, your spiritual leader should share your religious beliefs. If you don’t yet subscribe to a specific faith, then pray and discover. Another aspect of foundation is character. Are they a person you can respect and look up to outside of religion teachings? A leader’s personal integrity is just as important as their spiritual knowledge.
Their substance
A true spiritual leader offers more than temporary comfort. They should share practice that help you grow spiritually and affect positive change in your life. Pay attention to whether their teachings have had a lasting impact on you. Do their words challenge you to grow, or do they just make you feel good in the moment?
Their alignment
This area will reveal itself easily the more deeply you understand yourself. The more in tune you become with your own spirit, you’ll accurately know what season you’re in, and recognize which teachings are aligned with you. This is the area that requires the most discernment because it can require a level of faith greater than logic.
A prayer for spiritual healing and discernment
As a health coach with a rich spiritual life, I am not a spiritual leader, but want to share a prayer that has helped both myself and others in our spiritual healing and discernment:
Together I pray for us in,
Fine tuning our relationship with ourselves
The way we move and what thoughts we let out
The words that we speak to ourselves
The thoughts that run our lives
Our posture of humbleness with our chin down
Our vision of hope with our eyes up
May the Holy Spirit shine through the words that we speak
Always remembering to be compassionate and understanding for our own struggles
May we be protected in Your kingdom in earth as it is in heaven
To recognize our boundaries with ourselves and others
To understand the energies of ourselves and others accurately
Give us the strength to keep our boundaries strong
By the power vested in us through the Holy Spirit
You are the mover of mountains
There is nothing impossible for You God
Earth is Your kingdom
And we are Your servants.
Thank You God for all the fruits you have given us
The fruit of joy, the fruit of love, the fruit of wisdom
All these gifts are spiritual and we are grateful to recognize them
We pray for discernment of these fruits in every relationship we will make
We pray we recognize Your Holy Spirit in others
That we become more connected to the body of Your spirit.
In Jesus name,
Finding the right spiritual leader requires discernment, faith and self-awareness. Start by seeking a leader shares your foundational beliefs, offers meaningful guidance and aligns with your spiritual growth. Whether you practice Christianity, Islam or another faith, these principles will help you find a genuine guide for your healing journey. May you find wisdom, peace and healing as you make this important decision.