How to build resilience: make not quitting a habit through training

What is resilience?

Resilience is to get back up one more time from all the times you’ve failed. How fast can you recover from the fall… How well can you adapt when plans don’t work out the way you envisioned… To get up and adapt from a fall takes a lot of mental strength, and it takes time to build up the capacity to do it over and over again. So, what makes you decide to always get up? And have you always been able to…

We’ve all given up on a thing before, big or small. How far were you able to get through in that process? How easily did you give up? The last time you tried did you make longer progress?

The most common issue is quickly loosing motivation: you’re not able to stick through your plan in moments when you’re not seeing change — your goals feels so far, or you’ve made a mistake. But those are the moments if you choose differently just one time to continue, it’ll help you to breakthrough. Once you get through one hard decision to continue, what’s stopping you from choosing a second and a third time. Before you know it, not quitting becomes a habit. Let yourself choose to not quit, and training can teach you how.

3 ways training builds resilience

  1. Discipline in routine:

    Consistent exercise teaches discipline when motivation fades. Motivation is temporary, but discipline brings lasting change. Through routine, you learn that tough times, like seasons, are temporary. Discipline is when you start showing up for yourself consistently during streaks of no motivation. When you’re disciplined enough to consistently work on your goals, you can get to the other side — refind your motivation, get to the next season, and regain your joy. 

  2. Neuroplasticity:

    Consistent exercise promotes neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form new connections. The brain can learn to heal itself both physically (i.e. strokes) and mentally (i.e. overcoming trauma), so that new healthy parts of the brain start to overtake damaged areas. This is what helps us learn a new skill and overcome depression. Though exercise automatically boosts this system, it’s still important for you to retrain your mind to think the way you want it to. It still takes effort.

  3. Adapting to change:

As your body adapts to every training session, so does your mind when you train it. Let’s train your mind to adapt to a new way of thinking in the areas you want growth. It takes effort both physically and mentally. When you see physical change as you stay committed to your training program, it proves that change is possible for the mind as well. 


Resilience is a skill that can be developed through training. With discipline, neuroplasticity, and adaptability, you can build the mental strength needed to face life’s challenges. Ready to strengthen your resilience? Our virtual personal training programs focus on mental and physical growth. Contact us to start your journey today!


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